Co-Parenting Custody Concerns: 5 Important Tips

Being separated from your spouse or other parent of your child can be a difficult situation when it comes to co-parenting.  Unfortunately, sometimes it can be difficult for the parents to reach parenting agreements.  When parents are unable to settle any disagreements or unable to reach agreements, then you are left with no choice but to seek a request for orders from the Court.  Here are a few tips to follow prior to filing for any such order or faced with attending court or private mediation:

  1. Consult with an attorney so that you can become informed of your parental rights and responsibilities in regards to your specific concerns
  2. Record your concerns, i.e., specific activities while your child(ren) are in the other parent’s custodial care
  3. Develop a proposed parenting/visitation schedule that you believe is in the best interest of the children
  4. Obtain attendance records and report cards, if you are concerned about your child(ren)’s education
  5. Ensure you are communicating regularly and clearly with the other parent.  Are you being mindful about the selection of your words and your tone of voice when? It’s important to avoid the use of words and tones that will cause or prolong conflict.


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