Documents Needed for Child Custody Cases:  Essential Guide

Documents Needed for Child Custody Cases: Essential Guide

Essential Documents Needed for Child Custody Cases Understanding the documents needed for child custody cases can feel overwhelming at first. When facing a child custody case, having the right documentation can significantly impact the court’s decision about your child’s future. The court’s primary consideration is always the child’s best interests, and proper documentation helps demonstrate how those interests will be…

Mediation With A Narcissistic Spouse-It’s a Minefield​

Mediation With A Narcissistic Spouse-It’s a Minefield​

Mediation With A Narcissistic Spouse-It’s a Minefield Is mediation a tool for compromise—or a weapon for manipulators? Uncover the hidden dynamics of narcissistic abuse in family law disputes, and learn how to arm yourself with knowledge before stepping into the ring.  In this blog article we will explore the impact of participating in mediation with a narcissistic spouse. The Push…

High-Conflict Child Custody:  Top Causes You Should Know

High-Conflict Child Custody: Top Causes You Should Know

High Conflict Child Custody Causes Child custody disputes are stressful. They can bring out the best and the worst in people. Ideally, when parents separate, they find a way to co-parent that keeps their child at the center. But in reality, that’s not always what happens. Instead of working together, some parents end up locked in an endless battle, unable—or…

Why Judges Order Supervised Visitation in Child Custody

Why Judges Order Supervised Visitation in Child Custody

Why Judges Order Supervised Visitation Imagine being told you can only see your child under the watchful eye of a supervisor. For many parents, this reality is both heartbreaking and confusing. But supervised visitation isn’t about punishment—it’s about protection. In child custody cases, judges often face difficult decisions to ensure the child’s safety and well-being. One of those decisions is…

Co-Parenting with a Narcissist Who Always Has to Be the Hero

Co-Parenting with a Narcissist Who Always Has to Be the Hero

Jessica’s Story: Co-Parenting With a Narcissist That Always Has to Be a Hero Introduction: When Co-Parenting Feels Like a Competition You Didn’t Sign Up for Co-parenting with a narcissist isn’t just exhausting—it’s a relentless game of one-upmanship. Every holiday, school event, or bedtime call becomes a stage for your ex to shine as the “hero parent,” leaving you scrambling to…

How to Handle a Controlling Co-Parent

How to Handle a Controlling Co-Parent

HOW TO HANDLE A CONTROLLING CO-PARENT Co-parenting is challenging, even in the best circumstances. When one parent is overly controlling, it becomes even harder to manage. A controlling co-parent may dictate schedules, undermine the other parent’s authority, or use manipulation to influence decisions about the child. This behavior creates tension between parents and can harm the child’s emotional well-being.  …

What Are the Signs of a Controlling Co-Parent?

What Are the Signs of a Controlling Co-Parent?

Common Signs of a Controlling Co-parent Every decision turns into a battle. Every conversation feels like a power struggle. You find yourself walking on eggshells, afraid that one wrong move will set them off. If this sounds familiar, you may be dealing with a controlling co-parent. Co-parenting should be about teamwork, but when one parent dominates decision-making, undermines boundaries, or…

Emotional Triggers Impact Co-Parenting

Emotional Triggers Impact Co-Parenting

Co-parenting brings certain challenges to the parental relationship  However, working together with a parent who has anger problems creates an even more challenging situation.  And, of course, anger can be quite harmful and keep both parents in a non-productive cycle. If you are the parent who is likely to be more reasonable, you might want to use strategies that will…

Co-Parenting Custody Concerns: 5 Important Tips

Co-Parenting Custody Concerns: 5 Important Tips

Being separated from your spouse or other parent of your child can be a difficult situation when it comes to co-parenting.  Unfortunately, sometimes it can be difficult for the parents to reach parenting agreements.  When parents are unable to settle any disagreements or unable to reach agreements, then you are left with no choice but to seek a request for orders from the Court.  Here are a few tips to follow prior to filing for any such order or faced with attending court or private mediation:

Child Custody Overview

Child Custody Overview

In the case where the parents are unable to reach a custody agreement, either parent may file formally ask the Court to issue custody orders. Legal Custody There are two types of custody orders: The first type is legal custody which involves decisions regarding the health, education, and welfare of the children. The other type of child custody is known…